Introductions to Symplectic Geometry Andrew Dancer
- (1) symplectic forms (2) symplectic manifolds
- Local theory of Symplectic manifolds (1) Isotopy (2) Moser theorem (3) Darboux theorem
- Coadjoint Orbit
- (Lie)group Action on Symplectic manifolds
- Reduced Space
- Convexity theorem
- Toric Actions on Symplectic manifolds
- Gromov School
- Hamiltonian Mechanics
例子 [Kahler manifold] [cotangent bundle]
- Darboux定理 Alan Weinstein定理
- M.Gromov ---Pseudo-holomorphic curve Gromov-Witten invariant
Theory of J-holomorphic curves which led to the creation of Symplectic topology and became linked to quantum field theory
convex integratin Almost flat manifolds 3-d Heisenberg group
Grpmov : Every manifold admitting a sequence of metrics such that the diameter and curvature go to zero is finitely covered by a nilmanifold
Collapse with bounded curvature
- (1) V.I.Arnold (2) Andreas Floer
- 鏡像對稱 (1) Maxim Kontsevch (2) 深谷賢治(Kenji Fukaya)
Mikhael Gromov (1943~ )

- Introductions to Symplectic Geometry Andrew Dancer
- Symplectic geometry and Topology V.I.Arnold
- An Introduction to Lie Groups and Symplectic Geometry Robert L. Bryant
- Lectures on Symplectic Geometry Ana Cannas da Silva
- First steps in Symplectic Topology V.I.Arnold
- Differential Geometry with Applications to Mechanics and Physics (Lecture 10) Yves Talpaert