Symplectic Geometry      Andrew Dancer

  1. (1) symplectic forms  (2) symplectic manifolds
  2. Local theory of Symplectic manifolds (1) Isotopy  (2) Moser theorem  (3) Darboux theorem
  3. Coadjoint Orbit
  4. (Lie)group Action on Symplectic manifolds
  5. Reduced Space
  6. Convexity theorem
  7. Toric Actions on Symplectic manifolds
  8. Gromov School
  9. Hamiltonian Mechanics

[01] Introductions to Symplectic Geometry   Andrew Dancer

[02] Symplectic geometry and Topology       V.I.Arnold

[03] An Introduction to Lie Groups and Symplectic Geometry   Robert L. Bryant

[04]Lectures on Symplectic Geometry           Ana Cannas da Silva

[05]First steps in Symplectic Topology         V.I.Arnold