Lectures on Partial Differential Equations V.I.Arnold
- The General Theory for First-Order Equation [101]
- Continued
- Huygen's Principle in the Theory of Wave Propagation
- The Vibrating String(d'Alembert's Method)
- The Fourier Method(for the Vibrating String)
- The Theory of Oscillations The Variational Principle
- Continued
- Properties of Harmonic Functions
- The Fundamental Solution for the Lapacian Potentials
- The Double-Layer Potential
- Spherical Functions , Maxwell's Theorem The Removable
Singularies Theorem
- Boundary-Value Problems for Lapalce's Equation Theory
of Linear Equations and Systems
- The Topological Content of Maxwell's Theorem on the Multifield Representation
of Spherical Functions
- Problems