希波克拉底(of Kos)460~370BC

屬性 火  良善 有尊嚴 小個子

出生地 柯斯島                                 [Delphi神諭(oracle)]

父Praxithea 母Heracleides

跟隨Democritus 與Gorgias

醫學院 400BC 希波克拉底醫學推薦健康的飲食和體育鍛煉作為大多數疾病的一種補救方法。如果這不能減輕疾病,建議使用某種藥物。

所有疾病始於腸道---我應該吃什麼  飲食 環境

體液學說 : (1)多血質 活潑 (2)黏液質 安靜 (3)抑鬱質 內向 (4)膽汁質 外向

誓言(oath)  語料庫(corpus)



瘟疫 修昔底德的兩點觀察記錄:



Art is long,life is short.

 The climate of this area, particularly near the coast, is mild and very pleas- ant. This is due mainly to the presence of the sea, which in winter attracts the mild winds from the west and in summer the dry cooling winds of the north- east. Much of the climate is very similar to that of California in the United States. The rains usually come in the winter, and the dry season begins in May

and ends in October. It seldom snows or freezes in the valleys of Greece. Yet the mountaintops may be covered with snow even when the olives, oranges, and almonds are growing in the lowlands. This is the climate in Greece today, and it was the climate of Greece in ancient days. Because the climate of the lowlands near the sea is so mild, the important crops and marketable products are mainly fruits and grains. Since antiquity, more than two thousand years ago, Greece has been known for its grapes, or- anges, figs, olives, oats, and barley. The uplands, or mountains, have contrib- uted timber for fuel and pastures for the grazing of sheep, cattle, goats, and pigs. Thus, the highlands contributed meat and milk products to the diet of the Greek, balancing the cereals, fruits, and vegetables which he obtained from the lowlands.