德謨克利特(Democritus 460~370BC)

屬性 火 沉著 頑強 開朗 生活簡樸 總是大笑 認識Anaxagoras 500/480~428BC


老師 留基伯(Leucippus ~370BC):Nothing happens at random,...,reason and necessity

a citizen of Abdera

在埃及生活了一段時期 去過巴比倫 印度


  1. 原子論 [Parmenides]   Democritus   Empedocles   Anaxagoras   Melissus(470~430BC Parmenides 的追隨者)
  2. 數學   圓錐的體積 金字塔
  3. 感知理論   享樂主義---生活的目的是個人幸福
  4. 知識論
  5. 倫理學 (1)個人的自由比國家的需求更為重要 (2)不信仰上帝或眾神,而是相信世界完全由自然法則統治。
  6. 宇宙論   不贊成人類中心論(anthropocentrism)

A life without festivity is a long road without an inn。

I would rather discover one cause than be king of Persia。

We think there is color, we think there is sweet, we think there is bitter, but in reality there are atoms and a void。

There are innumerable worlds of different sizes.

In some there is neither a sun nor moon, in others they are larger than ours and others have more than one.

These worlds are at irregular distances, more in one direction and less than another, and some are flourishing and some are declining.

Here they come into being, there they die, and they are destroyed by collision with one another.

Some of the worlds have no animal or plant life nor any water.”

The world is a stage, life is a performance, you came, you saw, you departed.”



愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)1905年建立的數學模型將布朗運動解釋為粒子的碰撞。


盧瑟福(Ernest Rutherford)在1909年進行金箔實驗證明,物質存在於微小的團塊中。

  1. 德謨克利特         https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/democritus/
  2. 有名的科學家----Democritus    https://www.famousscientists.org/democritus/