comparison theorems



In Riemannian geometry,the comparison results in terms of sectional curvature of Rauch,Toponogov,Morse-Schoenberg and others are basic tools used to prove resucherlts such as sphere theorem,the Bonnet-Myers theorem,and the maximal diameter theorem of Toponogov。

  1. Harry E. Rauch 1925-1979 A Contribution to Diffreential Geometry in the Large
    Lectures on the Ricci flow  Peter Topping [Using Rauch comparison theorem to get an estimation of two metric]
  2. Victor Andreevich Toponogov 1903-2004 [Toponogov's theorem and Applications]
    [International conference on Geometry in the Large] [A relative Toponogov comparison theorem]

More recently,comparison theorems in terms of the Ricci curvature such as Bishop-Gromov volume comparison theorem have played an important role leading to such results as the Chern maximal diameter theorem。

Hermann Karcher :Riemannian comparison constructions

  1. Scalar curvature
  2. Ricci curvature          Bishop-Gromov relative volume comparison theorem
  3. Sectional curvature   Rauch  Toponogov   Morse-Schoenberg theorem


  1. Hadamard-Cartan theorem
  2. Bonnet-Meyers theorem
  3. Morse-Schonberg comparison theorem
  4. Rauch comparison theorem
  5. Bishop-Gromov relative volume comparison theorem