Sean Carroll

第一章 Special Relativity and Flat Spacetime

  1. Prelude
  2. Space and Time
  3. LorentzTransformations
  4. Vectors
  5. Dual Vectors(One-Forms)
  6. Tensors
  7. Manipulating Tensors
  8. Maxwell's Equation
  9. Energy and momentum
  10. Classical Field Theory
  11. Exexcises

第二章 Manifolds

  1. Gravity as Geometry
  2. What is a Manifold
  3. Vectors
  4. Tensors
  5. The Metric
  6. An Expanding Universe
  7. Causality
  8. Tensor Desities
  9. Differential Forms
  10. Integration
  11. Exercises

第三章 Curvature

  1. Overview
  2. Covariant derivatives
  3. Parallel tranport and Geodesics
  4. Properties of Geodesics
  5. The Expanding Universe Revivisted
  6. The Riemann Curvature Tensor
  7. Properties of the Riemann Tensor
  8. Symmetries and Killing Vectors
  9. Maximally Symmetric Spaces
  10. Geodesic Deviation
  11. Exercises

第四章 Gravitation

  1. Physics in Curved Spacetime
  2. Einstein's Equation
  3. Lagrangian Formulation
  4. Properties of Einstein's Equation
  5. The Cosmological Contant
  6. Energy Conditions
  7. The Equivalence Principle Revisited
  8. Alternative Theories
  9. Exexcises

第五章 The Schwarzschild Solution

第六章 More general Black Holes

第七章 Perturbation Theory and Gravitational Radiation

第八章 Cosmology

第九章 Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime