The first traces of inhabitants in the history of Chios date back to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.
During the 7th century BC, Chios, like Samos, excelled in arts and some of the best Greek sculptors of the time came from the School of Sculpture in Chios.
During the naval Battle of Salamina, Chios joined the Persians.
[Searching for Homer]
希臘第五大島 長約50公里 最闊處達29公里 多山乾旱
最大山丘 Pelineon 1297m Epos 1188m在北部
以mastic gum(乳香膠) 出口聞名
乳香膠 乳香黃連木的樹脂 做香料 藥物 稱為希俄斯之淚
有豐富的礦物質 整腸健胃 做成口香糖可維持口腔PH值 是抗菌高手
天氣溫暖 舒適 夏天30度C 冬天 7度C 左右
But during the Peloponnesian war, its inhabitants(居民) fought at the side of the Athenians and were under the control of Athens until 356 BC.
After that, the island became independent and was not forced to pay the annual tribute(貢品) to Athens anymore, which made it become prosperous(繁榮).
Chios then became part of the Roman Empire.
Lysander 斯巴達人指揮斯巴達艦隊於公元前405年在埃果斯河戰役中擊潰了比自己強大的雅典海軍,從而結束了伯羅奔尼撒戰爭。
斯巴達軍隊隨後占領了雅典城,在呂山德的 扶持下建立了三十人僭主集團,結束了雅典的民主政體。
1822年 奧斯曼帝國軍隊攻入希俄斯島大屠殺
小鎮 (1) Pyrgi (2) Mesta
Cave of Olympi Chios 溶洞
植物 夾竹桃 甜菜 洋橄欖 九重葛 馬纓丹 朱槿 蘆薈 乳香黃連木 辣椒 紫花蘆莉草 無花果 蘭雪花 羅勒(香草) 蠶豆 安石榴 常春藤