The Geometry of Spacetime
James J. Callahan
- Relativity before 1905 [Galilean
- Special Relativity---Kinematics(運動學)
- Special Relativity---Kinetics(動力學)
- Arbitrary Frames
- Surfaces and Curvature
- Intrinsic Geometry
- General Relativity
- Consequences
習作 勘誤 Errata for the Solutions [ResearchGate]
General Relativity for Mathematicians Rainer
K. Sachs H.Wu(伍鴻熙)

0. Preliminaries
- Spacetimes
- Observes
- Electromagnetism and Matter
- The Einstein field equation
- Photons
- Cosmology
- Further applications
- Optional exercises : relativity
- Optional exercises : Newtonian analogues
Relativity :(1) the special theory (2) the general theory J.L.Synge
L. Synge 1897-1995
愛爾蘭(Irish)數學家與物理學家 Synge's
theorem 1936年 : M is a closed Riemannian manifold with positive sectional
If M is even-dimensional and orientable , then M is simply connected.
If M is odd-dimensional ,the it is orientable.
Relativity : the special theory
- The Space-time continuum and the separation between events
- Introduction to the special theory
- Space-time diagrams
- The Lorentz transformation
- Applications of the Lorentz transfirmation
- Mechanics of a particle and collision problems
- Mechanics of a discrete system
- Mechanics of a continuum
- The electromagnetic field in vacuo
- Fields and Charges
- Appendix